1·To escape the time period, you must complete a series of challenges posted by the elves.
2·If you age more slowly over a longer time period, then you are in some sense younger for longer.
3·Other known caves from the same geographical area and time period contain only paintings of plants.
4·As you get into his political philosophy, I don't think you've done enough to situate his philosophy within the time period.
5·Rents in San Jose grew by 42.6 percent between 2006 and 2014, which was the largest increase in the country during that time period.
6·One of the things that make the settlement of this size impressive is the time period.
7·They may focus on a certain country or a certain time period when they begin their collections.
8·This is the time period in which most scientists formerly believed the area to be inhospitable for humans.
9·Let's back up again and talk about the time period from the 1860s to the 1880s and talk more about what happened in women's art classes.
10·Time period since the last transaction.
1·To escape the time period, you must complete a series of challenges posted by the elves.
2·Other known caves from the same geographical area and time period contain only paintings of plants.
3·As you get into his political philosophy, I don't think you've done enough to situate his philosophy within the time period.
4·My bank provides me as a financial programmer and bookkeeper with a very helpful service: I can download a small file that lists the transactions in one of my accounts during a defined time period.
5·Power consumption per server quadrupled in the same time period, even though servers typically operate at only 15% of capacity.
1·The point of accrual accounting is to perfectly match the revenues and expenses to the time period in which they actually happen, not when the payments are made or received.
2·"Over this four year time period, there was about a 28 percent decrease in these serious MRSA infections that start in the hospital," added Dr. Kallen.
3·There was a corresponding leap in real interest rates over this time period.
4·The year-over-year trend analysis removed outliers with growth rates in excess of 1000% and organizations with single transactions for the time period.
5·We are not obliged to make Margin calls of you at all or within any specific time period.